Incident and Crisis Management

Most businesses have operational incident plans in place should an incident, emergency, or crisis take place. According to the Business Continuity Institute an Incident is an ‘event that could lead to loss of, or disruption to an organisations operations, services or functions.’

Planning, acting fast and having the appropriate tools in place to help your teams handle incidents is essential. It can be more efficient and will significantly help to reach a resolution and minimise any impact or future disruptions. Effective incident management can also prevent an incident from escalating into a crisis situation.

Crisis Management is the next stage on from incident management and can deem a business inoperable with catastrophic consequences. As with incident management teams need to be focused on a quick and effective resolution. Response, recovery and reporting are crucial when it comes to effectively handling incident and crises.

ICR™ - Your Incident Management Tool

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Benefits of an Incident and Crisis Management Strategy

  • Preparation is key to minimising the damage
  • Appropriate procedures to ensure readiness
  • Situational awareness with effective communication
  • Return to normal operations with a faster, and a more efficient resolution
  • Effective training tool – learn from previous incidents by contingency planning and future proofing

How ICR™ can help…

ICR™ enables businesses to manage all Incident and Crisis Management plans from one centralised web application, then deploy these plans across the entire organisation at the touch of a button.