Human Vaccine Facility utilises Mobile App Technology to transform their Incident & Crisis Management System

Realising the benefits

  • Centralised Emergency Management System

    Emergency response plans, procedures, drawings & reference material (Non GMP) are now
    maintained on ICR i.e. one location that can be easily updated and easily accessible by each member
    of the ERT as and when they need it.

  • Self Administered

    The EHS Team has full control over the administration of their system. Trained super users can
    build, maintain & deploy up to date plans across their site at the click of a button.

  • Easy to Use

    Both the Web & Mobile application are very easy to use and intuitive.

  • Deployed to Mobile & PC

    Plans, contact information, documents & drawings etc. are deployed instantly to designated users on their mobile devices, pc or laptop ensuring at all times, they have access to the latest version. This information is available when offline on mobile.

  • Standardised Group Wide Response

    The ERT is now task focussed, through the use of step by step action cards. This is a safe way of handling the incident, as it reduces the uncertainty and stress associated with such occurrences. The use of action cards also provide a high likelihood of a good outcome.

  • Live Incident Reporting

    ICR™ provides a live date & time stamped incident logs, available on mobile, pc or laptop. This
    ensures the leadership team can be kept up to date with the latest developments regardless of their physical location.

  • Connected Teams

    ICR™ connects teams during incidents through the ICR™ mobile & web apps which act as a common platform for discussion, task tracking and instant messaging.

  • Automatic Report Generation

    We now save the site hours, days and even months by automating incident reports and metrics.
    Now, the team have instant access to key data from across their site which can be printed easily or used for planning processes.