Tuesday 28th June 2016

Preventing and Handling False Alarms on Campus – Part 2

In last week’s blog Preventing and Handling False Alarms on Campus – Part 1 we discussed the most common types of incidents, and also which incident type caused Universities the most problems. From our research False Alarm Activation came up time and time again, the blog then went on to give our top tips for preventing false alarms.

This blog takes this a step further looking at how best to handle and manage false alarms when they do occur causing minimum impact on the day to day running of your University or College.

Here are our Top 5 Tips for False Alarm Management

#1 – Formulate plans and procedures

ICR: Campus Incident Control™ provides First Responders with accessibility to alarm activation procedures as well as maps, charts, building information using mobile technology.

#2 – Action cards

Using action cards the First Responder can record in real time the actions taken during the incident as well as notifying the relevant people / teams of the current situation.

#3 – Checklists

Using ICR: Campus Incident Control™ you can create checklists to help guide you through the process and alert you when safety checks need to be made. These checklists can be forwarded to those in authority when required.

#4 – Centralised information platform & reporting tool

By capturing data associated with false alarms using mobile technology, and uploading it into a centralised location, ICR: Campus Incident Control™ can provide data and statistics outlining incident details. This information is perfect for audits, monitoring trends or follow up activity and process improvements.

#5 – Business continuity

Managing false alarms more efficiently whilst minimising downtime and ultimately cutting costs, enabling you to get back to business as usual

Contact Us

For further information on ICR: Campus Incident Control™ contact Janette Noakes, Relationship Manager on: